Functional Medicine

“Functional Medicine is a science-based, personalized healthcare approach that assesses and treats the underlying causes of illness through individually tailored therapies to restore health and improve function. It views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties. It treats the whole system, not just the symptoms.”

-Dr. Mark Hyman.

In Functional Medicine, we look “upstream” and ask, “WHY is this happening? What are the root causes of symptoms and imbalance in your body?” And more importantly, “WHAT can we do to fix it at its source?” Part of our investigative work is collecting a thorough medical history, a detailed symptom checklist and timeline of your health history. We use conventional blood labs and Functional Lab testing to help us further investigate and determine root causes.

Often a condition can have many causes. Likewise, one cause may create many conditions. As you can see in the example below, hormonal balance can be disrupted by many factors. Likewise, it can present with many symptoms, which at first glance, may not seem related. However, everything in our bodies, especially hormones, is interconnected.

The Functional Medicine approach uses both conventional and natural approaches to restore health. This may include targeted supplementation, holistic therapies such as chiropractic or acupuncture, and prescriptions, when necessary.

We prioritize creating foundational healthy lifestyle behaviors (sleep, healthy relationships, movement, stress reduction, eating nutrient-dense foods and avoiding toxins).

We use a large “toolbox” of interventions to help you along your health journey; basically we do what ever it takes to get you feeling better!

If this approach resonates with you, click the link to set up a free consultation today!